We have been commissioned to proclaim the biblical teaching of universal reconciliation, often referred to as ultimate grace or Christian Universalism. This is not a narrow, limited promise to a few people clustered in a few lands, but a grand and glorious message of the ultimate "reconciling of the world to Christ," as the Scripture passage below attests...
Come Join Us!
We are a non-denominational, multi-cultural, Bible-based fellowship open to everyone who loves the Word of God and His wonderful Spirit of Grace. Our meetings are centered around the study of Scripture, especially that most important subject of all, salvation. The Bible-based studies on this website and highlighted Scripture passages all serve as evidence of Universal Salvation, often known as Christian Universalism.
The Grace Studies on this website are only a small sample of the interesting and uncommonly in-depth teaching that is freely shared through our in-depth Bible studies. These studies are fresh, thoughtful, and interesting. Our worship and teaching is meant to be a blessing and inspiration to all those who attend, enabling believers to grow individually in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Come visit us...Bring your Bible (any version), your honest questions, and an open heart and mind as we grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Located on this website is a Google locator map that will give you a map of our location making it easier to find out how to get here. We look forward to seeing you soon!